Has a New Google Ranking Update Landed?

Google Ranking UpdateThe SEO community is all a fluster right now as rumours of a new Google Ranking Update are flying around. These rumours appear to be accurate. Google tracking tools along with the SEO experts all seem to suggest that there was indeed a Google algorithm ranking update.  The indicators include large changes being witnessed in tracking tools, often a clear indication that an update has occurred.  The update has been given the unofficial name ‘Fred’ and it appears to be focused on link quality.  The black hat SEO community seems to be reacting to the update. These reactions and the data all give the impression that this latest update is indeed spam related.

No Confirmation from Google

Google is yet to confirm or deny this latest link spam related update, which follows the last link spam update that hit around the beginning of February. It appears that Google is no longer confirming any update as this is the third unconfirmed update since February.  However, just because these updates aren’t confirmed doesn’t mean that they won’t be felt or discussed within the SEO community. It simply magnified the importance of being aware of how your own website is performing in the SERPs.

The February 7th update was focused on content quality. That update was felt by many, some experiencing gains in the search engines while others dealt with huge losses. If you’re not sure if you were affected we recommend diving into your Google Analytics. Examine the data before and after February 7 and look for any significant changes.

Monitor the Effects of Any Google Ranking Update

Keeping an eye on Google Analytics will ensure you’re on top of how your website is performing. You’ll also be able to see which digital marketing strategies are working for you and if you’re affected by updates in Google’s algorithm. We provide digital training to those who wish to learn more and earn qualifications in SEO, managing digital media and digital marketing. Contact us to learn more.