3 Basic SEO Metrics

SEO metrics to measure

Failing to pay attention to SEO metrics is a big mistake. When working with a SEO provider you should expect frequent reports, but how do you know which metrics are of value to your future campaigns and overall SEO planning and budget? Here are 3 basic SEO metrics to pay attention when your reports come in. You can also use these metrics to help your own monitoring if you take care of your own SEO.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is the traffic that arrives at your website from the search engine results pages that you haven’t paid for. The reason why this is important is that you pay for SEO services to improve where your site ranks for your chosen keywords. Pay attention to see if the organic traffic increases or decreases, but don’t expect amazing results in a month, organic SEO takes some time to grow.

Check the exit pages for your organic traffic. Exit pages are the last pages that are visited before the visitor leaves the site. The pages that result in the highest exit percentages should then be evaluated and will require some on-site work in order to help stop visitors from fleeing at that point.

Landing Pages

Landing page metric gives you an insight into the pages on your site that are successful and those that are not ranking as well. Discover where your different landing pages rank in comparison to one another and alter your SEO strategies as necessary.

Bounce Rate

While on the topic of landing page, also pay attention to the bounce rate of each one. The bounce rate will reveal the pages that visitors find inviting and those that put people off staying for further information. Adjust your landing pages accordingly.

Pay attention to the overall bounce rate of your website too. This is the figure that tells you the percentage of visitors that leave your site after landing on a single page. High bounce rates often indicate that more work is required on the website to encourage visitors to stay for longer.

Want to learn more about SEO metrics and SEO strategies? Ask about our flexible digital marketing training courses.