Google’s Mobile-Friendly Algorithm is Here

Mobile-friendly algorithmThe second version of Google’s mobile-friendly update has now been rolled out fully. We heard about the new boost to the algorithm back in March, which has now finished rolling out as of May 12, 2016.

The mobile-friendly algorithm will increase the effect of the ranking signal. If you’ve been working on making your website and content mobile-friendly then the update will not have any effect on you, if you haven’t you may notice a loss of ranking. It’s no good having a few mobile-friendly pages on your site either as the algorithm is a page-by-page signal. Google will be checking each page, so the impact the update has on you could take some time, depending on how quickly Google crawls and indexes each page of your website. The best way to see if you’ve been affected is to check your ranking and traffic for the past week and see if there have been any significant changes.

If you’re not certain that your current website is mobile-friendly you can check by using the Google Mobile-Friendly tool and their guidelines. You can still make changes and ensure that you gain the benefits from this latest algorithm update. We’re ready to help you update your website and make it mobile-friendly, contact us for more information about our web development and SEO services.