Emojis Return to Google’s Search Result Snippets

Emojis in Google Search Snippets

Google is once again permitting emojis to be shown in their search results.  Emojis were removed back in June 2015 as a result of webmaster taking unfair advantage of the ability. A spokesperson for Google confirmed their return, saying that they will show up in the search result listing page providing they are relevant, fun and useful for the results. Don’t be surprised if you seem them appear in snippets from now onwards.  What this change means is that when you place an emoji in search you will now be shown results that include the emojis within their listings.

Stand Out in the Search Results

Emojis can be used in snippets as a way of attracting attention and trying to make listings stand out to users. They should not be inserted into posts when they aren’t relevant, but they can be used if they work well with the information being shared. Our client, ProtectaPet, could make good use with a cat or dog emoji to appear within their snippets. They provide cat and dog enclosures, so it’s obvious that the use of emojis in this case are relevant and would appeal to users searching for pet containment systems.

Try out the use of emojis in your snippets if they would work well for your products or services. Put your heads together and decide which emojis could work with your snippets or how you can incorporate them into your listings. You may find that you’re able to stand out from the competition on the search listing page and attract more traffic to your website. Remember only to use them when they really fit in with the content and don’t overuse them.