Has HTTPS Messed Up Your SEO?

HTTPS SEO IssuesHave you recently changed to HTTPS? Many websites are making the change after Google stated HTTPS websites would be getting a little boost in the search engines. If you have and you’ve experienced a dip in your rankings there may be a problem with the way it was implemented. Here are some simple tips that will help you to correctly set up HTTPS and save yourself from some of the common SEO issues that migration causes.

6 Tips to Repair SEO Issues Caused by HTTPS Setup

  1. When a website migrates to HTTPS it needs to be set as the preferred one so the search engines are aware of which website is the current one. To do this you must add the HTTPS version to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. Include both in Google and set the new version as your preferred domain.
  2. Avoid problems with duplicated content, weakened links and reduced crawl budget. To do this you’ll need to ensure that all the HTTP URL 301 redirects to the HTTPS websites.
  3. Update the XML Sitemap now includes the new website URLs.
  4. You will need to go through all the internal links in your website and ensure they point towards the HTTPS URLs.
  5. All canonical tags need to be directed to the new URLs and not the HTTP.
  6. Update all the external links that lead to your website to now direct to the HTTPS URLs. You may not have control over some of the external links but you can certainly change the external links such as your social media profiles.

Updating your website? Ask us about our SEO and Web Development services, today.