5 Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement

increase facebook engagement

Facebook engagement is not easy to achieve. Without engagement, each post you publish on Facebook is not likely to be seen by many people. Even the people that follow your page are not likely to see your content in their news feed. What you need are likes, comments, and shares. Here are 5 ways that will help encourage your audience to interact with your social content.

Play with Posting Times

If you publish content at the same time and fail to achieve interaction, we recommend publishing content at different times. Test out multiple times over a month and monitor response. Aim for when your audience is most likely to be on Facebook, such as before work, during the evening and the weekends.

Go Live

Facebook Live is taking off in a big way and this gives you the chance to really connect with your audience. Think about how you can provide the best content possible via video, what is it that your audience is going to want from you?  Create a content schedule and broadcast on a regular basis, informing your audience of planned broadcasting times and the topic being covered.

What’s Working for Other Pages?

Don’t go in blind, pay attention to other pages and see what is working for them. Don’t steal their content, but use their successes to help you create your unique content.  Use Facebook page insights and set up 5 Pages to Watch. You will be given notifications about what’s proving to be a hit on those pages. You should also check those pages manually and keep an eye on what’s happening.

What’s Working for You?

Pay attention to what you’re interacting with. What makes you click a like, leave a comment or share a post on a page? If you’re engaging with posts, try and work out what it is that makes you take those extra steps and not just scan the post and move on.  Use your own actions to influence your content on Facebook. If you’re engaged, others will be too.

Drive Traffic to Facebook

Newsletters, blog posts, guest blogs, and other platforms can be used to increase interaction. Link to your Facebook Page or content you’ve shared on Facebook from those multiple sources. If you encourage people to visit you there, you’re more likely to increase your followers and the engagement your post receive.

Test out the tips above.  A small increase in engagement will bring more engagement and from there you can really grow. Keep up the hard work and provide your audience with content they find hard to ignore.