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3 Tips to Improve Your Facebook Marketing Ads

Facebook Ads vary in success. Some ads take off and die down quickly, others fail to hit the target. Instead of wasting your Facebook marketing budget, try out these 3 tips to improve your ads to help your business grow.

Quality Over Quantity

Many smaller businesses will have limited budgets to spend on Facebook, but often they create multiple ads, each one failing to bring results. Rather than creating several campaigns each with their own ad sets, create a couple of ad sets and put more money into each of the campaigns. You will be able to keep track of things far easier this way and be able to focus on improving the quality of the ad sets too.

Create a couple of ad sets by consolidating your audiences rather than creating a separate ad set for each audience type. Set up a handful of ads for both the ad sets and use Facebook’s A/B testing tool along with the campaign budget optimisation to help you find the right ads to use with the different audiences.

Monitor Your Facebook Ads

Many small business owners will set up a few campaigns and then leave them to run their course, failing to benefit from closer management. To improve the success of your current and future ads it’s important to pay attention and analyse campaigns throughout their run. Pay attention to the costs, ROI, CPM metrics, relevance and use this data to improve the ads, targeting and the main objective of the campaigns.

Take Your Time

Avoid putting people off by avoiding the cold sale approach. Customers are not likely to buy from someone they have never heard of. Set up some warmer campaigns to help improve awareness of your brand and generate leads rather than jumping straight for the sale. You could use some of your lead generation tools such as free resources, consultations or video content. Once you create the lead generation campaigns select conversions and optimising as the objectives and not engagements or clicks.

Let us assist you with your Facebook ad campaign strategies and management. Call the office or send us a message to discuss our affordable PPC and social media services in Worcester.