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How to Optimise the Pages on Your Website

Looking for ways of improving your SEO? Today we’re sharing a few tips on how to optimise pages on your website that aren’t reaching the amount of traffic they deserve. You may find some of your pages are achieving higher levels of traffic compared to the rest of your website. Analyse these pages and consider what you’re doing regarding SEO and marketing on those pages that you aren’t elsewhere. It’s also worth taking the time to see if there are opportunities to improve on the SEO of the best-performing pages to make them achieve even better results.

SEO Tips for Your Website Pages

The page may rank higher in the search engines if you:

  • Ensure that the keyword or search term for the page is included in the headers of the page.
  • Add alt text attribute for the images on the page
  • Update the information on the page
  • Add new information on the page to increase the authority of the subject

When making any changes it’s important to consider the terms and keywords being used in search to find your page. Make sure the page is optimised for these terms and make it easy for the traffic to delve deeper into the website and to make direct contact. The calls to action need to be clear and encouraging.

Additional SEO Tips

The tips above should be performed on all current pages as well as any new ones you go on to create. Below are a few more that will further optimise your pages.

  • Introduce different content formats, such as podcasts, videos, images and infographics.
  • Check all internal and external links and repair or remove broken ones or links with little value
  • Introduce improved internal links
  • Link to other websites with high authority that relate to your content
  • Add long tail keywords

Small changes made on your pages can make a massive difference when it comes to search. Want help with SEO on your website? Ask us about our SEO services in Worcestershire.