10 Social Media Metrics for Facebook and Twitter – Part One

Social media metricsIf you’re marketing on Facebook and Twitter you may be finding it difficult to know how you’re performing on those channels.  Today we’re sharing 5 tips on the social media metrics you can use to measure your impact on both of these social platforms.

  1. Your followers will give you a good insight into whether you’re engaging with your audience effectively. The content you’re sharing should be attracting the audience you’re aiming towards. If you’re gaining followers consistently you know you’re on the right track.
  2. Timing matters. Do you know when your audience is likely to be on Facebook or Twitter? It pays to know as your audience is more likely to see your updates if you post when they are most active. On Facebook, you can find out this information by visiting the insights page and select When You Fans Are Online on the Posts tab.  Twitter is a bit more troublesome but you can gain insight by clicking the Tweets tab and examining the Tweet Activity over the past 28 days.
  3. Pay attention to the reactions and likes your updates receive. Stop sharing the content that receives no responses and increase the content that your audiences respond to. You can experiment with content on the different channels to see where it’s the most successful.
  4. Look out for mentions on both Facebook and Twitter. Remember that not everyone will actually tag your page directly; they may simply be mentioning you. You will need to search for these mentions manually or by using a tool such as Mention. By monitoring mentions you’ll be able to become part of the conversation.
  5. How many people are your posts reaching? The reach is the amount of people who have seen your post. On Facebook, you can check your reach by clicking Reach on your insights tab. Check the reach on Twitter visit your analytics and look at the Impressions column.

These 5 metrics will help you to improve your social marketing efforts and ensure you’re doing all you can to reach your audience when they’re online and active. Return on Monday when we’ll have 5 more metrics for Facebook and Twitter.