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10 Social Media Metrics for Facebook and Twitter – Part Two


Last Friday, we shared 5 social media metrics for Facebook and Twitter. Today we have five more that will help you to improve your social media marketing efforts.

  1. How many replies and/or comments are your posts achieving? Monitoring the replies and comments is an excellent way of learning more about what type of content your audience is engaged by.   Facebook insights provide you with this data when you click on Posts and select Reactions, Comments and Shares from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side. Twitter replies and comments for individual tweets by clicking on the Individual Tweet and viewing the total engagements, which includes the amount of replies you received.
  1. Know your audience by monitoring the demographics. You can use this information to help build your social media strategy. Facebook provides audience information under People on the Insights page and clicking Your Fans. Click on Audiences in Twitter analytics and you’ll see an overview of your audience. Twitter allows you to learn more about your audience if you use Twitter for Business with paid ads. Use the Brand Hub tab to find more demographic data.
  2. Social shares are a powerful metric. The posts that receive social shares indicate that the audience found them useful, of interest or that they connected to it on an emotional level. Shared content receives greater reach too.
  3. Referral traffic tracking will show you what platforms and which content is bringing traffic from social media to your website. You can also see what the traffic does once it arrives on your website and can be useful for improving landing pages and calls to action. Referral data is found in Google Analytics under the Acquisition menu. Click on the Social menu and click Overview or Network Referrals.
  4. Click rates provide information on how your audience is engaging with your website. You can learn about what makes them actually click on the links and this information can help you improve your social media marketing. Track clicks on Facebook on the Insights tab where you’ll see the number of post clicks for each update. Buffer is a useful tool that allows you to quickly view clicks for your social channels too.

Need help to revamp your social media marketing strategy or managing your social profiles? Call us or send us a message and ask about our social media marketing services.